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Mission: No Exposition

I don’t think I’m being dramatic when I say this may be one of the worst films I’ve ever seen, especially of this year (2023).

This movie was completely missing Acts I & III, there is nothing but a brief scene opening the film then immediately a jump into the second act. There is no world-building or anything, and with a run time of 1.5 hours, it could definitely have been worked in. I don’t think I can stress enough how there felt like a hole was in the story 10 minutes in.

They completely miss plot details that seem essential to to story, especially if they were trying to use said details to build connections between the characters. There are al ot of plot holes I don’t understand and could go into depth about, but I’ll keep this spoiler free for the time being.

There was no resolution, they ended the film abruptly. Which it wouldn’t have felt so abrupt if they would’ve built the story better in the first place.

In multiple instances, there was drama being built up in the scene and it never paid off. They would make something seem eerie, and build up the tension, and DO NOTHING.

The CGI wasn’t great. They had detail to the dinosaurs but the PROPORTIONS were despicable. Some of them had necks that were way too long, and T-Rex’s had arms that made them comparable to quadrupedal creatures.

The concept to this movie wasn’t the greatest to begin with, but it definitely could’ve been better. The entire film felt half finished, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was cut short to make deadlines.

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