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Cocaine Shark

Fish out of Community Theatre

This brings me back to the days in middle school of making low quality iMovie short films with god awful acting. I’ve seen better acting in films with “shot on iPhone” in the credits. I think some of these actors came straight out of a community theatre.

An ungodly amount of stock footage was used. I think roughly 50% of this film was stock footage with repeat shots over and over again.

The narration was overused and unnecessary, and in accordance with the non-linear storytelling was just a mess to begin with. Dialogue doesn’t drive the plot, but with this low quality of acting, maybe it was for the better. There were like 3-4 plots going on at once and I see they tried to make them merge in the end, but I think they lost track of one in the editing room.

I could be mistaken, but I believe the star was reading from the script in a phone call scene. It’s even in the bottom of the shot too. Speaking of shot, the camera work was laughable. An odd amount of close-ups and establishing shots, nothing in between.

I’m surprised the budget was big enough for a boat. The sound quality through some of the scenes echos and is way to metallic.Oh, and as for the VFX… I take back everything I said about The Flash.

There was barley any cocaine, nor was there a shark doing cocaine. So don’t get your hopes up. I understand this is a satire (I hope to god it is at least) but it’s still pretty bad.

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