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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Raiders of the Last Story Arc

I think this was one of those rare instances where the best part of the movie was the middle. Dial of Destiny lacked a bit of exposition that it attempted to bridge with an undetailed flashback. The first act could’ve used some work IMO.

The middle of the final act was just odd. I think most of the appeal of Indiana Jones comes from its mixture of raw science with a bit of unexpected mysticism. I can’t help but feel they leaned too far into the mysticism with this, it just made it lose any sense of grounding (I use this term loosely).

The part that upset me the most was there horrible utilization of meaningful responses. There were at least two instances that I can recall of where Indy and Helena were having conversations and when prompted for a meaningful response, went with a cheap one liner instead. There were a few plot points I have questions about.

I saw no issue with the VFX other than the exposition. There were a couple of shots when he was de-aged that looked iffy, but it could’ve been bad angles.

One of my favorite aspects of Indiana Jones is the real history that is incorporated into the story to make it believable and having the ancient relic have a magical twist. Dial of Destiny certainly fulfills those qualifications, but as I previously said, takes the mysticism too far.

Overall, I enjoyed the final adventure of Indiana Jones but hope that it’s lay to rest. While I did enjoy this, I’m not sure if I’d watch it again.

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