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Knock at the Cabin

The Cabin in the Woods Dupe

I’m not a huge fan or M. Night Shyamalan to begin with but this it was missing that signature ‘M. Night Twist’. To be honest, he had a masterpiece directorial debut with The Sixth Sense (1999), but everything he’s made since hasn’t been nearly as good, maybe with the exception of Split (2016). Have we as a society gotten better at predicting movie endings or has Hollywood just become more predictable?

Knock at the Cabin was a little deceptive in its title. Yes there was a knock and yes there was a cabin, but I was expecting the Knock to be a pivotal element in the film when it most definitely wasn’t. The Cabin in the Woods (2011) already did the “die or the apocalypse” plot, and there wasn’t enough different to make it a better movie.

The writing was good but I don’t think there was much effort that needed to be made since there was already source material they took it from. Knock at the Cabin calls itself a horror film but the barely scrapes the horror genre.

Overall, the entire movie felt derivative of The Cabin in the Woods (2011) and there wasn’t much different. It was barley a ‘horror’ film.

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