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The Sea Beast 2

Netflix has been on a kick of these "fight the power" animated movies. Last year (2022), they released The Sea Beast which shares the same basis as this film. In fact, they are so similar that it's about fighting a tyrannical governmental power that has propagated the falsehoods of 'monsters' of the outside world for an extended period of time, and has created their own form of militia to deal with these 'threats'. The difference, one with pirates, another with knights. If I had to bet, the next one will be cowboys, maybe even a western film about an 'outlaw' who has been ostracized from a town because of the corrupt sheriff. (Hire me Netflix!)

Moving on to the specifics of the movie, I think the characters were pretty well developed. The dynamics between the characters worked really well. The storytelling was great, the style of prologue definitely made it feel like a mid-Disney Renaissance film. The humor was very hit or miss. There were times they tried to over do the comedy and just led it to being, and i hate using this word in my reviews, "cringy".

I can't help but to feel like they missed a couple of things in the story. There were a few details where they broke the Law of Chekhov's Gun. For those who don't know what that is, its a principle of writing, weather its books, theatrical plays, or screenplays that basically says, 'if its not going to be important, it shouldn't be in the story.' A few plot details were included, but never utilized.

Overall, there were quite a few beats that were built up throughout the film that they didn't end up doing anything with causing a major diservice to the writing. While they did a good job at creating the emotion and the depth of the characters, it seemed to have come at the sake of the writing.

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