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Talk to Me

Good Story > Horror Fest

This is exactly why I don’t do drugs. Because one moment you’re having a fun, euphoric moment, and the next, your possessed by a demon and trying to kill everyone. I prefer to have control over my own body.

I was thrown for a spin when I saw “Adelaide Film Festival” in the pre credits. Turns out, A24 didn’t produce this film, instead they picked it up as a distributor after it made its appearance at Sundance Film Festival in January 2023, the film originally debuted in 2022 at Adelaide Film Fest.

For its budget, Talk to Me is a very good film, and seems to follow in true A24 fashion of a horror movie concentrating on a good story. I mean, A24 had to have seen something great in it to spend that kind of money putting it out for the world.

For the movie itself, the acting was phenomenal. There were some scenes that unintentionally pointed out ‘oh, this is good acting!’, which is not something I notice in a lot of movies. Great range of emotion from the entire cast, Miranda Otto putting on a particularly good performance, being probably one of the best characters

There was a great balance of horror, emotion, and story that made it such a good film. If your looking for a horror fest this may not be your kind of movie. While there were some gruesome and relatively frightening scenes, Talk to Me focused a lot on the overall plot line.

I loved the idea for this film, I think it was really well conceptualized and executed fairly well. Some things could’ve been expanded on a little bit more and the pacing could’ve been slower for some parts.

Overall, horror isn’t much my genre of film but I think the storytelling was done really well. A24 really loves those movies that fuck with your head, and there were some scenes that REALLY fucked with your head.

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