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The Creator

Down with the Dystopian Sci-fi Genre!

I was slightly disappointed by the creator. Early trailers and posters had created the presumption that it was going to bring a new age of sci-fi genre to the cinema which I was very excited for. I believe that the Dystopian Sci-Fi genre has been exploited, and I’m ready for something new, something fresh, the next big thing. Let alone it was another Dystopian as Sci-fi… that’s probably on me for not watching the official trailer closer to release of the film.

The Creator had some incredible world building and established historical and present background before getting to the story and filled in many of the gaps along the away.

The writing was hit or miss. There is one particular aspect of the film, which I won’t name due to how recent the movie was released, that I can’t stop thinking, and about its poor execution and under utilization. This singular plot point should’ve course corrected the film but they still went straight into the iceberg. The ending felt majorly over saturated because it was a tad repetitive.

The amount of detail that was put into the visuals of the film were astonishingly impressive. The robots/androids (whatever you call them) we’re well thought out and creative. They also managed to make subspecies which was very interesting to me. A notable amount of attention was poured into these design and FVX, which may have been time that was probably unnecessarily taken away the from working on the story.

Overall, this movie lost some points mainly due to its major plot flaws and saturated climax. However, it mostly makes up with some really creative design and characters. I’m getting tired of this genre and can we introduce something new and innovates please?

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