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The Killer

How to be a Hitman

In all honesty, the plot drag on for so long that the character motivation just became lost to me. I forgot why he was doing all of it until the ending reminded me, and even then, it just felt like there was no point to it.

The exposition was good but the script was repeated so much that it just became desensitized and lost any meaning it had. The screenplay had its moments. The actions taken were logical and methodical, and I think that shows some great talent, but as a whole I think it was mediocre.

Riding off of the actions, the fight choreography was done pretty well, there were times the fighting gave the impression of the John Wick-style of violence which I throughly enjoyed.

The cinematography was fairly well and there were some really good shots throughout.

Overall, The Killer doesn’t bring much new to the table except how to be a hitman in the 21st century, and there was not much notable about it. I was hoping for a little more.

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