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Transformers: Rise of Beasts

Transformers: Retcon of Beasts

I don’t think there’s anything that confuses me more than the Transformers Universe. There seems to be some inconsistencies in the world building. Are there different planets of transformers? Are there subspecies? Are they natural born?!!! Do they have parents like Robots (2005)? How are there 7 movies and only one (Bumbleebee (2018)) touches on the origin of The Autobots? Someone please tell me I’m missing a vast amounts of details.

Typically Transformer movies follow a format and it consists of trying to keep an artifact of major power out of the hands of the bad guys. That’s exactly what this was. It was a pretty copy and paste film in the terms of plot basis.

The plot armor on Bumblebee is pretty insane. The CGI was incredible, until one part that kind of imitated Act III. My first reaction in the trailer was that they butchered Optimus’s design by making him so much less detailed, but after discovering it was a prequel, it seems like a necessary bridge to connect the simple design we got in Bumbleebee (2018) and the extremely detailed design from Transformers (2007).

We got a “Rise of Beasts” so now I’m curious if we’re getting more Maximals in the future. I wonder how this seemingly retcon is going to affect the Transformers Cinematic Universe (TCU) going forward. This also makes me wonder about Gridlock in Transformers: Age of Extinction (2014) and if he was considered as a “Maximal”.The ending was really interesting and I like to see how it’ll have an impact on any later editions to the TCU.

Overall, I enjoyed the action of the film and the entire voice cast has extraordinary performances. The CGI was outstanding for the most part. The story was a little cookie cutter, I feel like they if the TCU is to continue, they might need to look for better plot ideas.

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